Batman - The Telltale Series is a graphic adventure developed by Telltale Games, creators of Minecraft: Story Mode, The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands, and more. The gameplay is practically identical to all these titles – meaning that, once again, the decisions you make throughout this story determine the outcome.
It's important to note that the free version of Batman - The Telltale Series only offers the first episode of the season. To enjoy the complete season, you have to buy the rest of the episodes through the app. This is the only way you can see how the story ends.
The story line in Batman - The Telltale Series revolves around Bruce Wayne's inner demons that come back yet again to torment him. And of course, he has to deal with some of the most famous supervillains from the franchise as well.
Batman - The Telltale Series is another excellent graphic adventure from Telltale Games that uses a gameplay known by almost everyone – and it still works. To top it off the game also has spectacular graphics. That said, you need a pretty powerful Android to even start playing.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Batman game is sweet
ناللغثفلعمةهوقتيتةمكتمداخ فاخقا ع
The best game
okay thanks 🙏🏻